Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
ISSN: 1303 - 2968   
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
from September 2014
©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2005) 04, 105 - 112

Research article
A Pilot Study Comparing Two Field Tests with the Treadmill Run Test in Soccer Players
Abdul Rashid Aziz , Frankie H. Y. Tan, Kong Chuan Teh
Author Information
Sports Medicine & Research Center, Singapore Sports Council, 15 Stadium Road, National Stadium, Kallang, Singapore

Abdul Rashid Aziz
✉ Sports Medicine & Research Centre, Singapore Sports Council, 15 Stadium Road, National Stadium, Kallang, Singapore 397718
Publish Date
Received: 30-11-2004
Accepted: 03-03-2005
Published (online): 01-06-2005

This study compares the performances obtained during soccer-specific field tests of the 20 m multistage shuttle run test (MST) and the Yo-Yo intermittent endurance test (YIET), with the measured maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) obtained in both field tests as well as that obtained in the traditional test of running to exhaustion on a treadmill (TRT), in young trained soccer players. Twenty-one National-level youth players performed, in random order, the MST and YIET to determine the relationship between the two field tests. From these, eight randomly chosen players performed their field tests as well as a TRT, equipped with an ambulatory gas exchange measurement device. Pearson correlation coefficient analysis showed that the players’ performance (i.e. distance covered) in the MST and YIET was correlated (r = 0.65, p < 0.01). Players’ performance in the YIET was not significantly correlated with the measured VO2max obtained in the same YIET nor with the measured VO2max obtained in the MST and in the TRT (all p > 0.05). In contrast, significant correlations were observed between the players’ performance in the MST with the measured VO2max obtained in the same MST and in the YIET (both p < 0.05); and attained almost statistical significance with the measured VO2max in the TRT (p = 0.06). The lack of association between distances covered in the YIET with all the measured VO2max values suggest that measured VO2max per se may not be suitable to characterize soccer players’ intermittent endurance performance. In comparison with the MST, the YIET may be a more favourable field-based assessment of soccer player’s endurance performance.

Key words: Yo-Yo test, beep test, maximal oxygen uptake, intermittent, continuous

           Key Points
  • Both the Yo-Yo intermittent endurance test and 20m multistage shuttle run test are valid measures of aerobic exertion in soccer players
  • Measured VO per se may not be suitable to characterize soccer players’ intermittent endurance performance.
  • In comparison with the MST, the YIET may be a more favourable field-based assessment of soccer player’s endurance performance.
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